At CanadaWheels, we offer the largest selection of Art Replica models, guaranteed to fit your car. If you're looking for Black rims, Chrome wheels, OEM replicas, or an alternative for your winter tires.
Art Replica has a mission to help consumers find wheels that will match the current ones on their car, including OEM lugnuts and TPMS Sensors. If you want to return your car to that “fresh off the factory floor” status without breaking your budget, Art Replica will be there for you. We have proudly fitted many Honda, Lexus, Infiniti, Land Rover, and even the new Tesla Model 3. Art Replica wheels are truly at home on any car, truck or SUV.
Replica 221ART Replica 221 Gloss Black - Machined Face size-18x7 boltpattern-5x100 offset-45hubbore-56.1loadrating-1521.1878
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